Friday, August 22, 2008


Last night I started work on another needle felted ACEO. Not sure what it is going to end up looking like. It is definitely abstract. It will be what it will be. Unfortunately, I was so tired last night I was falling asleep while working on it. NOT a good idea considering those sharp needles! So I put it down and headed off to bed. Well no, first I checked the computer and started reading and incredible blog. Incredible courage, strength, and love: Have your tissues handy if you are going to read it. I would definitely suggest reading it in date order, starting with the 2007 entries.

My light box is coming along. I got the parchment paper on two of the three windows, then I ran out of Duck tape. Note: Duck tape does NOT stick to parchment paper. However, it seems to be working somehow(i.e. the parchment paper is not falling off).

No work will be getting done tonight either. Mommy is going out! I get to do this maybe once a month, just get out for some mommy time.

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